Dr. Shrikant Anant

The University of Kansas Cancer Center

Cancer Stem Cells as the Target to Wipe Out Tumors

Dr. Shrikant Anant of The University of Kansas Cancer Center explains the concept of cancer stem cells that remain quiescent through treatments and radiations, only to proliferate and metastasize later on. With about 1% of cancer stem cells expressing the Dclk1 gene, Anant goes on to share how he targets this protein to kill existing tumors or prevent new ones.


Dr. Shrikant Anant
Cell Analysis

Dr. Shrikant Anant


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Dr. Shrikant Anant

The University of Kansas Cancer Center

Shrikant Anant, PhD, is a pioneering biologist with a national reputation in gastrointestinal cancer research. His research spans a wide range of activities – from understanding molecular biology questions to determining the mechanisms of action for various natural products and their role in cancer prevention.