Professor John McLean

Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

Mass Spectrometry Helps Scientists Elucidate Bacterial Microbiomes

John McLean, of Vanderbilt University, describes the new 'Fight-Club' mass spectrometry technique, which will help elucidate new drug molecules. This technique has been designed to utilize the evolutionary pressure placed on cave-dwelling bacteria causing them to have developed chemicals to fight off predatory bacteria, which scientists hope could be used as drug targets.


Professor John McLean
Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Health Sciences

Professor John McLean


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Professor John McLean

Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

Professor John McLean is Associate Professor of Chemistry at Vanderbilt University, co-Director of the Vanderbilt Automated Biosystems Core, and Deputy Director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education. He received his B.S. Chemistry from the University of Michigan and his PhD from the George Washington University.